
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Stories about Mary.

Today in RE TWP 5 and i have learnt about Stories about Mary, The first picture we read was Luke 26 - 38. We had fun learning about Mary , I have done and activity below, and i have put the link to the scripture luke 26 - 38. If you want to see what i have done check done below. Here is my activity


In  the scripture Luke  28 - 38  the birth of Jesus foretold, we find out about Mary’s first encounter with God. An angel called Gabriel is sent by God to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to tell Mary that she will give birth to a baby and his name will be Jesus. Mary is overwhelmed with the news and does not know whether she believes him or not. We know Mary feels like this because in the reading it says “But she was much perplexed by his words…”

Then the angel Gabriel  was talking about the baby Jesus's future and how powerful he is going to be.  Jesus will the power of the Most high and will overshadow you, and that he will reign over  Jacob descendants.  THe lord God will give him the throne of his father David. We know this because in the scripture it tells us The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High”...”      

Lastly the scripture tells us  that Mary turends to god and puts her trust into god's hand. We know this because it  saysMay your word to me be fulfilled.” 

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