
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Adding Adjectives

Today in class we were learning about adding adjectives to others
things here a thing that i have pick up and added adjectives to one of
them. The Orange colour is the adjectives and the light blue is the
thing. Here it is.

The gloss, luxurious, Tulip stood tall in the garden.

The Tulip gloss, luxurious stood tall in the garden

This new ,black Bush is laying on the table.

This  Bush new and black is laying n the table.
The Blue, cool  car is going somewhere.
The car Blue , cool is going somewhere.



  1. It is easy to see the decribing words and the naming words when you colour code them. Great work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi mele I like the way you took a toy car and a brush for using a noun. I also like the way you you put the picture of the tulip in you blog.

  4. hi mele you did a great job
