
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mele - Joan Wiffen and Her Fossil

This week in science, i have been  studying Joan Wiffen and her Fossil's bones she have found, i found out that bones were hidden in rocks, and the bones she found was amazing i heard that she found a tailbone of a Theropod hidden in a huge rock, Her team used Hamer and little chisels to get  the bones out. I really like how i gt t make an activity about her and her fossil bones she found. I think you will really really like this activity i did. Here it is.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Mele - How Māui Slowed the Sun.

 Today TWP 4 and I have been reading the legend of How Māui Slowed the Sun, this story is about when Māui and his five brothers including himself. Māui wanted to slow down the sun so he gathered up his brothers and gave them an plan, the first step was to cut the flax so they can make ropes  so they can snare  the sun when he wakes up. Then the sun woke up  and then they snare the sun and then Māui got up and banged  the forehead of the sun with the jawbone of his grandfather, then the brother lowed the ropes and  the sun  was tried and from this day on  the sun goes slower  and we have more time to do work. Here are some question I answer. 

Why does Maui want to slow down the sun?. So he can have more time to work. Why did Maui’s brothers not want to join his plan? They were not very happy but they help cut the falx.  Why did they approach the sun during the night? So when the sun comes up they are ready.  Is this story a legend, myth or fairytale. I think this is an Legend.

After that we weave  with two different colours and weave and then we got prats of the story an drew the prat in light pencil and then went over it with an black maker. Here it is.   


Mele - Kiwi Tag Competition.

On the 26th of March TWP 4&6 went to play kiwi tag at Dunkirk, I had to wake up so early so I could catch the bus. When I arrived at school I went in a T- shirt and some shorts and then I went to go and get changed in our uniform for sports. Then the blue bus came and we grabbed our gazebos and all the people that had stuff to carry went first and I was one of these people and I went to sit at the very back with my friends it took 15 minutes there.15 minutes later. When we all arrived  we went to set up at the bottom and we had trouble setting up but some parents wheres there to help us and teachers, then the two boys teams went to go and get there tag shorts  because we didn't have any and it said in the rules there are no belts allowed. Then the girls team went and got there tag shorts.  After that we had our first game and it was 5 - 6, the rest of the games where so good. Then we went to school and waited for our parents.   

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Mele - Animation Boat

Today for Cybersmart i have done another Challenge today number is eight!!!. I am very sorry that i have not been blogging that much this week and last week but i will make up. Cybersmart Challenge eight is about animation , TWP 4 and I are learning to Use Google Presentation to create fun and cool animation,and useing the duplicate the slides so our fun animation can be awesome. I really like this activit, and how you can make your animation or just make a boat and here are some steps. 
1. Create a sailing boat  using auto shapes and polyline on the toolbar.
2. Create a background including waves.
3.  Duplicate your background slide and move you sailing boat slightly to create movement. Repeat until animation is finished. 

I think that you will like this animation. Hope you like my animation. Here it is.