
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Mele - PE - Health and Workout

 Today i did some activity PE. So i did two activities, i have to completed a set of activity that involve PE and being active. There are certain amount of Points  there is 1 ,2,3,and 4 Points but 4 is the hardest. But i did two of the 4 Point and those activities were Running around your house for 9 -10 minutes,then i ask one of my siblings to get four random things in my house i had to stack them. I couldn't get a video bt i got photos of my activities. Here are my Photos.

                                                           I am running in this Picture 

                                              I have stack four random thing in my House 


Mele - Reading - Space Waste - Current Events

 Today for reading i did an current events about Space waste. I completed these questions and did an activity,about what you learnt and if it is True and false . I had fun doing this activity and i hope you can learn something from my article Space waste. Here is my Writing and Activities.


Recall Questions.

The main people in this article are an American Space scientist. The key event in this news article is, but wait there were a lot i think but i think the key event is that A satellite called Yunhai 1-02, it declared, had broken up. This event took place in Space, The event happened on the 26th of August.


Speculated - A form of theory.

Culprit - someone who is responsible for a crime 

Syndrome -  Groups of Symptoms.

Mele - Decimal Pre Test

For the past week i have been refreshing my learning about Decimals,my teacher has gave me an pre test to see what i know and i don't know about decimals and i knew some of it and didn't know any but that didn't stop me. But i finished it but if you see some question with no answer then that's what i am stuck on. Do you know anything about decimals?. Here is my Decimals Pre Test.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Mele - What is Earth Science

Hello Everyone for the past week i have been working with my group ( Maraia, Moala, Ana, and Ofa), and we have been working on some slides about what is earth science and many more things. We did an video information about The Solar System, Weather and the Water Cycle, Sedimentary Rock   Igneous & Metamorphic Rocks,   The Pet Rocks Song ,  Mineralog,   Volcanoes,  Plate Tectonics,   Weather & Erosion and Energy & Resources. I did the Solar System and the Sematary Rocks.

I really had fun learning more about Earth Science and  The Solar System and the Sedimentary Rocks, I hope that you can learn more about earth science. Here  is our Slides  

Mele - Reading - True and False Question about Haiti.

 Today for Reading i completed an  Current Event  and this Article was about an country called Haiti and they got struck by and earthquake. I answered some question and did an activity about truth and false  and i had to answered with truth and false but there were alot of truth. Then i answered question and read the article, i really had fun reading and learning about Haiti and the Earthquake, i hoe you can learn something. Here is my Writing and  Activity. 


Recall  Questions:

The main people in this article are  the people of Haiti. The key event in this news article is how a very huge earthquake hit Haiti and destroyed homes and killed many people.  This event took place in Haiti up thewestern hemisphere .The event happened on the 14th of August 2021.

Thinking Question. This story is about the Haiti earthquakeand how it killed many people and houses of Haiti,but some houses werebuilt in protection of earthquakes. This was a very bad situation for Haiti.There were also people who were thieves and stole many things from Haiti.  

Here is my Activity.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Mele - Writing - What is a Narrative

This week i have been working and researching about Narratives. I also did some activities  about Narratives,i wrote and wrote a day to get these activities finished these activities are   questions about what is a Narrative and more. I hope that you can learn something on my writing. Here is my Writing .
 Narrative Writing Term 3 2021.

Before we Start Activity.

What are things that Make a great story?

A Great story needs a Great title,a Beginning,Middle and End. 

What is a Story that you find yourself going back to often.

I find myself going back to a comic book,because there is interesting information and pictures to go with the pictures.

What makes a bad story? What are some things authors should avoid when crafting a narrative?

What makes a bad story is that there is information that doesn't add up and there is no Beginning,Middle and End.  

What are Narratives?

Unlike other genres of writing narratives consist of many sub genres.Can you name any?

There is,Narrative,fiction,non fiction ,novel, mystery,horror,Fairytale,

Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Legend,Love story,Science fiction.

What does a narrative story look like?The Structure. 

First we have to have a beginning,like to introduce to all the characters what is going to happen and you can also use who,when and where in your introduction. Middle the middle is where it gets deeper and there is a problem and many events as much as you can imagine. Then there is the End,the end is when the preamble gets solved and everyone is happy but then something happens and then there is another book. But if not then everyone lives happily ever after.    

What does a Narrative story look like.Features.

The feature that a Narrative has to have is great Language. The language has to be good and it fits the story and it has to be descriptive for what you are going to say. Ather feature is Perspective, a perspective is when you write a story.But narratives are normally written in first or third person. There is also tension. If you are writing a story and you change the kind of tense perfectly clear to your people that are going to read the book it is good. Flashbacks are good but you have to translate it to your audience. There is one more and that is Dialogue, Dialogue is when a narrative changes form a narrator to first person.  


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Mele - Paralympics 1964 -2020

 Today for inquiry my class and i did some more research about the Paralympics in 1964 to 2020 and we went deeper in thinking. I finished an activity about the Paralympics and disabled people and how they lived in 1964 to 2020. I really had a great time researching about the Paralympics i hope you can learn something to. Here is my Activity.


Mele- Narrative - Storms

 Today for writing i did some reading about storms and i have been working on my narratives to. I answered some questions about characters and where and what they were feeling, thinking and seeing. I really had fun doing some research about storms and narratives. Here are my Questions.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mele - Reading - What do I know about Japan?

 Today for Reading my class and I did some research about Japan and the Paralympics. We discussed the concept for the Paralympics and one that stood out to me was Inclusion,it stood out to me because it mean to include everyone even if they have a broken leg,arm or anything it means to include everyone it doesn't really matter who you are or what you look like. I completed an activity about Japan and wrote five interesting facts about Japan. Here is my Activity.

Mele - Art- Cube Drawing Failure

Today for online  school we did some art. We did some art about drawing and we had t draw this 3d cube floating. But i failed,but then i realised that i can learn from this mistake but i tried my best and did god work. Here is the video that i Watched.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Mele - Inquiry- What is Earth Science

 Today for inquiry my panter and I Maraia did some research on Earth science and learnt more interesting stuff about earth and science. We had fun learning new things and working together,we also completed an activity for you guys to see. Check out our activity.   

Mele - Maths- Finding a Fraction of a Set

 Today for Maths i have completed an vide and strategy of how to find a fraction of a Set. I videoed my saying and explaining the strategy of how to find out. I really had fun videoing myself but more fun to share to you guys. Hereis my video. 

Mele - Music - My thoughts and Experiences during Lockdown!

Today for music we got an interesting  message from our Music teacher Miss Carter, we had to explain our thoughts and experiences during lockdown. I was surprised but then Miss Carter said t listen to some songs and to pick your favourite song so i did. But i really had fun listening to songs and writing my thoughts and  experiences  during lockdown.  Check out my activity.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mele - Narrative - Word Search

 Today for Writing i  learned about what is a Narrative. I learnt more interesting stuff about Narratives and what a Narrative should have. I really had fun learning more about writing and Narratives. I also did an Word search for you guys to solve,Comment below the answers. Here is my word Search.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Mele - RE- Feast of Saint Pius

Today for RE i did an Screencastify about  the Feast of Saint Pius X. TWP Whanau celebrated and did an liturgy about the Feast of Saint Pius and we wrote poems as well. We didn't just write normal poems we did Acrostic,Rhyming and more. I also added the slides from the liturgy. 
Here is my Video and Slides.     

Mele - Extra for Experts

Today for Maths i did Extra for Experts. I solved a question with my teachers help she helped me understand how to figure out the question. I did an screencastify of solving the questions , ihope you can learn something. Here is my Video.    


Mele - Toku Whakapapa.

 Today for Maori with my panter Krystal we filled our whakapapa and learned more about each others family. We filled each others whakapapa and we had fun doing it,i hope you can learn some maori off of this. Here is my activity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Mele - Reading - Magic Show

 Today i watched a video  about magic tricks  and learned same along the way. I really had fun pretending that is was a magic show,but anyways i videoed myself and i did two of my favourite magic tricks. 

Here is my Magic show. 

Mele - Changing an Improper fraction into a Mixed fraction.

 Today online school i learned about mixed and improper fractions. I did an screencastify about changing an improper fraction into mixed fraction. I had fun learning from my mistakes and i hope you can learn something,to. Here is my Video.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Mele - Reading - Stealing in Maru.

 Today for reading i did answered some questions about this story,abut two islands.Link. I answered some question about magic and 2001. But i hope you guys can learn something from these two questions i answered. Here are my Questions.


Mele - Maths - Fractions.

 Today for Maths i did an Screencastify about solving 2 equations about Fractions. I hope you guys can learn something off f this and make your factions lot easier. Here is my Video. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Mele & Kalia - Important Events of Mary's Life.

 Today for R.E My panter and i Kalia did research about the Assumption about Mary. We study about the important event that happened in her life and more!. This activity is about research about Mary, i had fun doing this and my panter did to.   Here is my activity.

Sione, Mele ,Daniel & Ofa - The Dawn Raids

For the past week Sione,Daniel, Ofa  and i  have been doing some learning on the Dawn Raids. All the articles that we read were about how the police officers back in the day they would ask Polynesian people if they were brown and for there visa but you just had to be brown to be asked if you were brown. We all did research on this topic and did our parts.    

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Mele - The Feast of the Figuration

Today for RE TWp 4 went to mass to celebrate the Feast day of the Figuration. The Feast day of the Figuration  means that in a religious text, it is an experience of a moment of power. The transfiguration of jesus means that Jesus becomes an gorly on top of Mount Calvary. Here is my activity 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mele - Current Events - Samoa impasse ends.

 Today for reading i did an Current Events about Samoa Impasse. I read an ticak about hw sama impasse ends and this confident woman Naomi Mata'afa stood up and ended Samoan Impasse. I finished the recall questions and the thinking questions too.

Here is my Writing.

Recall  Questions:

The main people in this article are Naomi Mata’afa who is now Samoa’s new, and first woman prime minister and the Samoan people. The key event in this news article is that Samoan People Impose ends. This event took place at the  Foreign and Commonwealth Office.The event happened on the 23rd of July.

Thinking questions 

This story is about the Samoa Impasse.What I mean is that Samoa didn’t have any possibility of progress, and  Naomi Mata’afa wants to stop that from happening. 

Samoa's New Prime minister Naomi Mata’afa.(Foreign and Commonwealth Office)


Mele - RE - Ascension and Pentecost.

 Today for RE  Yr 6 Student read Ascension (Acts 1: 6-11) and Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13). I read booth of these Scripture Reading and learnt more stuff, about Pentecost and the Ascension.I answered some questions about the Pentecost and Ascension.

Here is my Activity.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mele - Grammar - Verbs Activity 1 &2

 Today i completed an grammar activity. I learned more about verbs  and i did two activities that went with it. The first activity was about matching the nouns and verbs,Describing a picture and What do you do in school and on Break. The second activity is about What is happening in the picture, What you are doing in school and Break and Finding verbs in a story. 

These activities took long but it was worth it because, i learned something and i hope that you can, learn something to. I  think that you guys out their will like it.

Here is my Activities.

                                                                    Verb Activity 1

                                                                                  Verb activity 2


Monday, August 2, 2021

Mele - Cybersmart Challenge 15.

 Today i did a Cybersmart Challenge. This Cybersmart challenge is about useing our web cam,our web cam is our camera. We used our camera to record me saying, my profile for my blog. I really liked how i could get to recorde and to blog this for you guys to see.

Here is my Video.

Mele - Footsteps.

Last Week  on Friday We did an dance class with a Company called "Footsteps". Footsteps s a dance company they do a lot of dances and in different categories. We learnt a dance called "Let it Go", and we learnt really cool moves. 

I did an activity about what i learnt and what dance move was my favourite. I hope you guys learn something and like my activity i made. Here is my Activity.  

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Mele - Religious Education - Life Among the Believers

 Today for Religious Education, I read Acts 2:43-47   and i completed two activities. One of those activities were to carefully and find key words about the Early Church life. After that i wrote a paragraph about what they did in the early church and what i read in  Acts 2:43-47. The other activity i did was create a Storyboard. A storyboard is like drawing but you can do it on technology, i did an storyboard about the believers of jesus  praying at the temple together and breaking bread together in their houses.

Here is my Activity .


Mele - Reading - Mele & Briana - Our first Olympia

 Today for reading my Panter Briana and I did wsme reshresearch of  Bill  Nagelkerke First Olympia with his teammates and what he did. Briana and I answered some Questions about there First Olympia. Here is our  Activity.